Steel Magnolia Resonator Electric Chrome
A fixture to the Luna bluegrass line, the resonator guitar has long been on the forefront of many blues, bluegrass and country albums, played by big name bands and independent artists alike. Although not always used as a traditional front-man?s guitar, the Luna Steel Magnolia resonator is considered to be a specialty guitar with many tuning options to fit a variety of playing styles, including slide guitar and finger picking. Originally created to deal with the overwhelming sound of piano, drums and other percussion instruments, one can expect the old raw and powerful sound from this iconic instrument. Gaining the likes of legendary artists such as Rick Springfield, the Steel Magnolia Resonator guitar encourages players to release their creative intuition by playing acoustically, electrically or blending them both to create a wide range of sounds. With the Piezo pickup and the built-in magnetic pickup, you'?ll be able to dial in the exact sound you'?re looking for, from the traditional acoustic to vibrant electric tone in no time. In addition to the different knobs (including blend and tone), the bold and often times ?twangy? sound is projected through the gold biscuit top, mini sound hole circles and classic f-holes. The first knob is a pan between the piezo and magnetic or lipstick pick ups. The second knob is the volume, and the third knob is tone for the magnetic (neck) pick up only. ? Given Luna'?s artistic reputation, the beautiful engraving on the body speaks volumes on and off the stage. A laser-etched magnolia flower design is on full display, located delicately on the front and spread out on the back of the resonator body. The magnolia flower represents dignity, nobility and a love of nature. This theme can be found throughout many other instrument series associated with the Luna brand including our ever popular Vista Series. Overall, from the gold hardware, grover tuners and mahogany neck to the chrome plated metal finish and classic f-holes; the Luna resonator offers a distinguished look and stunning physique. Case Optional: LL FP?